The End Of Samsung Bixbi

Google is reportedly negotiating with Samsung to push google assistant over Bixby . RIP  Bixby ! Yes probably I mean that was going to happen it seemed .Bixby was knocking on that door for a little while and certainly in the tech community well they kept trying I'll tell you what it's a fighter. I'll tell you what Samsung really want to hang on to it .I mean we're in this weird split ,weird space where in the android world these manufacturers want to find a way to differentiate their product. Many turn towards software as a means as an attempt to have their device appear as being something different and it really hasn't worked all that much. We talked about with OnePlus on on a recent Nord product they got rid of their own messaging app and what other client a couple of another another google stock google application that they just made out the gate where they used to do their own version of it. They just gave it up they said. Man this is what people want and there are just these areas where google does such a great job that it seems so so bizarre to attempt to, compete with them in that space and that's kind of the way Bixby was received. Bixby had some functionality that assistant didn't because it could reach
deeper into the into the device hardware than what assistant could but ultimately at the end of the day  I I 'm using assistant.

    I 'll tell you what have you ever used Bixby tiny tiny Bixby tiny bit when it first came out I was at the event and I was experimenting with it but even assistant I have a hot cold relationship even with assistant. I 'll go through phases where I 'm very assistant I 'll just be using it all the time and for everything and then. For some reason I 'll ease off of it here and there but assistant in the car unbelievable.Yes! assistant in the car when you can't be touching things and just to quickly navigate somewhere or even often sometimes my kids will ask me a question just a just a a beautiful like general
 knowledge type of question almost like a trivia question and just to hit the assistant to speed .They can't even type it you can't even google it that and those are those moments where it's speed is the real
killer aspect of a voice interaction. Much like you and I right here yeah you see if we slow this thing down it's painful if we just go silent for a minute or we all of a sudden I say something and then it's a lag time and then you say something. It doesn't work, no the speed is the killer feature and google knows that they've been working out with search forever. That killer aspect it almost creates a
whole different product.

    Once the speed is there it's some you interpret it differently and that's the area where Siri is lagging also and I 've seen all the demonstrations and comparisons and of course we talked about it on this
 as well and Siri has gotten better through a number of generations here but it's still slow compared to google assistant and it's really it's a huge drawback when it comes to using it you everyone knows the
person in their life that goes hey Siri and they're really excited about it and then you're sitting around waiting and you look at each other in this totally awkward moment.

     Of why did you just do? why did you do? You should have just typed it because now we're all waiting and I feel strange right now it's like an awkward pause so anyways google is negotiating with Samsung saying it's the time now let's bury Bixby. Samsung obviously an enormous footprint in the smartphone game and a huge opportunity for google to get its services rolled out to a much bigger audience not to say. I mean you could use assistant on Samsung devices but whatever is coming out of the box is the thing that people end up using and it's a huge potential missed opportunity for google unless they can convince Samsung that this is what should happen out of  the box and maybe even one step further That Samsung should market it.

    As an advantage a partnership the only place you know the best place to use google services is
on a Samsung device and not a pixel device and not a OnePlus device and wherever else
so I'm always rooting for the more native google experiences I find them to be the more seamless approach and I would love to see this take place, so if Samsung is in any way listening to me
which they're not but they might be. If this message gets to Samsung I say sign the deal take the money from google put the money on the next display tech or camera tech and let's just all agree that assistant is the way to go at least on android I mean man I would. Even if I was on iOS I would love the option to have assistant as a separate download I mean that's obviously a different story but  anyways Samsung for the record just last thing on this  record they have been open-minded about this type of criticism in the past. Remember they had the touchwiz stuff going on people you gotta tweak that one a little bit get a little closer to something and and then they came with one UI and and it was an improvement.

    Yeah and so I think they're listening Samsung if you're listening ,google assistant let's do it let's bury
Bixby it's okay, it's fine everybody's got to bury some. Everybody has a project they do doesn't work out as expected you tried it's all good. Yeah you just got to fail fast right ,that's the startup don't get too committed to it.

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